Seven ways we support private fund trustees

  1. Needs-driven advice and support for trustee fiduciary responsibilities
    Administering a retirement fund, and managing its assets, requires certain actions and involves specific responsibilities. RFS gives advice on these responsibilities, and provides support with preparation of reports and returns required by law.
  2. Legal advice on rules of funds and adaptation to the changing regulatory environment
    The Namibian legal environment is dynamic, and the regulatory environment requires a high degree of expertise and rapid adaptation to fulfill the needs of regulatory compliance. RFS provides advice and rapidly adapts to regulatory changes.
  3. Regulatory compliance support
    RFS immediately adapts systems to changes in the regulatory environment, so that reporting is compliant with the current regulatory requirements. Ongoing, company-wide training ensures that knowledge of the correct practices is applied to every fund.
  4. Concern for trustee legal liabilities
    By ensuring that all fiduciary responsibilities are fulfilled, and by following, adapting and adhering to the changing regulatory environment, RFS ensures that legal liability arising out of a trustee’s tenure is mitigated.
  5. Pairing of technical, financial and administrative skills
    To ensure that all funds are in compliance, and providing the best possible attention to members and the benefits due to them in terms of fund rules and policy, RFS pairs a highly competent administrator with a financial expert as joint leads on each fund. At the same time the hands-on approach of top management ensures that its unrivalled expertise has a bearing on the well-being of every client.
  6. Investment decision support
    RFS provides ongoing short and medium-term investment views of the regional and global investment environments to ensure that trustees are empowered to understand the impact of these on their investment decisions. Certified Financial Planners® oversee the day-to-day business of, and provide expert management skills to each fund.
  7. Timely reporting and documentation
    In addition to prompt regulatory reporting and compliance, RFS reports extensively and with exceptional transparency to management and trustees on a monthly and quarterly basis, in a timely manner.